Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Surrender To What Is

     I have been given some advice by several other prospective Honduran adoptive parents already on the wait list and I am going to take it.  I am not going to be pursuing an adoption from Honduras.  Although many are hopeful the process will become smoother and quicker, it is not realistic that this will happen anytime soon.  The wait time has grown incredibly long and as of last week, there is another strike of government workers which means all work stops.  (The strike is because they have not been paid for several months, including foster parents.  Please keep them in your prayers as they may not have the resources to properly care for the children otherwise.)
     I thought at this time I would be celebrating my I-600A approval (which did arrive) and posting a photo of our Fed Ex man picking up my dossier for delivery to the adoption agency.  I had dreams of going to Tegucigalpa and meeting my little girl.  I dreamed of what she would look like, how she would act, and what every stage of her life would be like.
     I feel this is a decision I must make.  I will not regret trying to adopt internationally.  I would have regretted not trying.  I am considering my options and may or may not pursue a domestic adoption.  I will be okay, but for now I am grieving.

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