Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Orphan Crisis: Why Help One Child?

     According to Worldwide Orphans Foundation, there are approximately 153 million orphans worldwide.  How do we stop the cycle?  Who decides what programs help best?  Should education, poverty, violence, the justice system, or unemployment be the focus?  If family preservation/reunification is not an option, do the answers lie in schools, orphanages, foster homes, or Missionary work?  Maybe some combination?

     International adoption cannot be the answer for all children, but this is what I believe.  An international adoption helps at least three children.  One child finds a home, the opening in the orphanage gives a home to a second child, and the donation made to the orphanage helps at least one other child in some way.  Many adopted children also grow up to return to their home country and help others in need. 

     Posted below is a 39 minute video of a panel of professionals (including Dr. Jane Aronson) touching on the subject of the orphan crisis.  I would definitely like to see more discussions like this...Maybe a series.  The idea of having a group of experts together is to listen to what they have to say, take that information and form our own opinions.:

     Whether I am able to adopt a child or not is irrelevant to this post.  Taking a look at things on a broader scale, there is an orphan crisis and sooner or later, it becomes everyone's problem.

    Does anyone remember this quote from the movie Blood Diamond (the reporter Maddy says to Archer):
      "The whole country's at war.  Why should I help this one person?
      (...Pause) I can't believe I just said that."

     In this scenario, the character surprised herself with her response, but it is a question we must ask ourselves in order to best utilize our resources.  How do we help others?  For some people it may be to help one person, for some it may be to volunteer for an organization or help a group.  For me the answer is that everyone should do what is in their heart.
     ***There are lots of great organizations out there right now helping others.  Remember to look at their "About" page or "Mission Statement" to see their philosophy and check their credibility with other sources. 

My Adoption Path

     Some of you may wonder how I got to this point in the adoption process.  I will do my best to give a brief synopsis of my journey so far!
     I have always been interested in adoption and have known for a long time that I wanted to adopt a child myself.  I have had friends and family who are adoptees and who are adoptive parents.  

     Approximately 9 years ago, I decided I wanted to adopt.  I started saving money and looking into different agencies.  There was an agency a friend used and I wanted to use them as well.  China was in my heart.
     In 2006, China closed its doors to single parents.  I was crushed, but I knew that "The Adoption Monster" randomly rears its head and by the time I was ready to adopt, they may have changed their requirements again.  So I began looking at other options in the meantime.
     I strongly considered an agency working with Rawanda as a pilot program, but the timing wasn't right.  I briefly looked into Belize.
     I called about foster adopt. 
     Then the agency I wanted to work with started working with Honduras.  I fit the requirements and decided to inquire.  The day I was going to call, I opened my Facebook page and the first thing I saw was that China was opening its doors to singles again!  It was for special needs kids only.  So I had a decision to make.  Was it a sign? Was I suppose to go with China?
     After inquiring about both programs, I decided that Honduras was a good choice for me.
     In March 2011, I sent in my application.  I continued to save money, take the required adoptive parent training classes, look for a Home Study Agency, and see how the program developed.  No one had gone through the process with my agency yet.
     During the last two years, Honduras has gone through several strikes with agency workers, a restructuring of INFHA (Honduras Social Services), and a few other changes. 
     My Home Study and biometrics are complete.  However, I am not sure about moving forward with Honduras because the waiting list may take years at this point.  It is still a pilot program and things are still being worked out in-country.  I am exploring my options and have been talking with several domestic agencies.  
     I don't know where the path will lead.  I continue to ask questions and pray. 

About Honduras

     Honduras is a Central American country which shares borders with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.  The five stars on the Honduran flag represent the Central American countries with the middle star representing Honduras because it is central to the other countries.

     I have learned that Honduras is rich in history, culture, and resources and unsettled politically and financially.  The Bay Islands sit on the second largest coral reef in the world.  There are mountains, jungle, beaches, and cities.  Honduras is the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.  
     The heart-breaking fact is that there are approximately 20,000 "street children"...children living on the street with no parents.  Can you imagine their plight?

Honduras Facts:
1.  Honduras in Spanish means depths.  It was named after Christopher Columbus on his fourth voyage because of the deep waters at the mouth of the Tinto o Negro River off the Mosquito Coast.

2.  Honduran Industry:  Sugar, Coffee, Textiles, Clothing; Agriculture:  Banannas, Coffee, Citrus, Beef, Timber, Shrimp; Exports:  Coffee, Bananas, Shrimp, Lobster, Meat

3.  Country Symbols:  Animal--White Tailed Deer; Bird--Scarlet Macaw; Flower--Orchid; Tree--Honduras Pine

4.  Honduras is where the term "Banana Republic" was originally coined.

5.  The Copan Ruins are considered the most important ruins for the fully intact hieroglyphs, the main source of how we know Mayan Ruins today.